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Gradescope - Quant and Coding Assignments

Gradescope is a secure, FERPA-compliant tool that facilitates submission, grading, and feedback of student assignments, particularly quantitative and coding assignments and problem sets.

Gradescope and VPN

VPN is not required for cloud services such as Gradescope. For a better experience, IMSS recommends not connecting to VPN while using Gradescope.

Accessing Gradescope:

Gradescope may be accessed two ways:

  1. From within a Canvas course, for instructors who have integrated it, via the "GradescopeLTI" menu item, or
  2. by logging into the Gradescope site with your Caltech credentials with these instructions:
  • Go to
  • Log in using your Caltech username and password
  • Navigate to your Account Dashboard by clicking the Gradescope logo on the top left
  • Click Add Course on the bottom right, enter the course code provided by your instructor
    • The course code may be provided in Canvas, class syllabus, or email

Handwritten Assignments

Students will need to scan handwritten assignments to make digital files. They can use a variety of free smartphone applications to create legible, high-contrast, resolution digital files. Several Caltech faculty and students have recommended CamScanner, but there are other options (no Caltech license/access; this and others are individual applications).